Tuesday 2 October 2012


The other day I visited my cousin sister. I have two nieces, and spent fairly good time with them. I sat on the couch and was watching them play, and then I started reminiscing, about my past, my childhood or should I say, of all of us who were born in late 80’s and early 90’s.
And hence, here begins my nostalgia.

I talk of a time, where playing included leg work and not thumbs and fingers. When early morning we used to dash out of our homes to play cricket during summer vacations, and the game went on till the evening.
The first “Pepsi” we ever had was not the ones we drink nowadays. It was those various coloured drink, which used to come in plastic tubes. They were a craze in those times, available everywhere, outside schools, parks, shops. EVERYWHERE.

We were innocent and carefree back then. There were no restrictions on us as on where to go or not. Right from the time of tri-cycles till we left behind our bi-cycles, for us the world was ours. Just grab ‘em up and rule the streets.

Coming to indoor entertainment, that was a time when the world saw some real and good cartoons. They inspired us in their own little ways. Tales Pin and in that Baloo’s awesome flying techniques was my first inspiration to become a fighter pilot. Mowgli (Jungle Book) is still a legend and that name alone makes us smile. Then there was Dexter’s Laboratory and Pokemon, Simba-The Lion King, The Legend of Zorro, and the list goes on and on and on. The point here is, those shows being a cartoon/animated entertainment, still taught us a lot of things. And ofcourse, who can ever forget the great Tom and Jerry show.

We belong to a generation, who has seen both the inside and outside world. As kids we were happy to get small Hotwheels set, and the biggest asset anyone of us owned was the video games. I still remember, when we used to exchange the game cassettes. “I’ll give you Super Contra for your Ninja Turtle.” Still makes me laugh, how we were negotiators at such early age.

Today, a 6 year old carries an iPad, a Galaxy Note II, and at the very least a PSP. Outdoor sports are like alien to them. Where once cricket was the sport which every child have played in their childhood, now its that which no one knows!

Tall buildings, huge apartments, budding offices and complexes everywhere, where is the place where the kids can go and play? Where has their world gone?

Pizzas and Burgers were like the rarest of cuisines that we had, and  now, those are the ones most frequently consumed.

Whose fault is that? I don't know. I just know that there has been a huge paradigm shift. And that is not for the good. 

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